A licensed physical therapist in Camden
Category: <span>Physical Exercise</span>

Category: Physical Exercise

What Are The Types Of Physical Exercise?

There are a variety of types of exercises, which will be selected and dosed by physiotherapists according to the special characteristics of the patient being treated. The selection of exercises within physiotherapy is generally within the following options:

  • Range and stretching exercises focused on improving mobility with or without the use of devices. Good mobility is the prerequisite to optimally execute a movement sequence.
  • Strengthening exercises to activate and strengthen weakened muscle groups without or with the use of devices such as elastic bands, dumbbells, moving pads, or bracelets/anklets. Good muscle strength improves the stability of the body. It allows for postural improvement and the exercise of activities that require strength in activities of daily living, whether work, home or sports.
  • Postural exercises: Greater activity of the segments (deep muscles close to the spine) improves stability and prevents blockages that impair the movement of the spine and its associated segments.
  • Balance exercises: To improve balance reactions and prevent falls.
  • Proprioception exercises: To train body awareness; that is, the patient must learn to “feel” movement and relaxation.
  • Relaxation exercises: To improve physical, emotional and mental relaxation.
  • Breathing exercises: Help support the solution/elimination of secretions and cough, improvement of respiratory function, body awareness and relaxation.